
Thanks for taking your time to visit my website/blog. What this place will accomplish is informing you of anything involving geekdom and pop culture. This is also a film review site, so I will be doing film reviews via written and video taped reviews (kind of like the stuff you will see from AVGN and The Nostalgia Critic). I am a nostalgia buff, so I will reminiscence from time to time.. actually maybe I will be doing it MOST of the time.

My name is Paterfamilias but you can call me Kevin, Paterfamilias is a reference to “O’ brother where art thou”, one of my favorite movies. It rolls off the tongue doesn’t it, and i think it has more presence than my last name which was JustAGuy.

I really love VHS’, I grew up with VHS’. That old beeping noise when you start the tape still gives me goosebumps. Plus the name gives you an idea of what I am about: Nostalgia. I believe that the single most relate able thing in this planet that sew us together is the past. We love the old tv shows,movies,and video games; that’s why TV give us reruns, movie theaters re release movies, and the internet show us old clips of of everything including games. It’s the past that shape us of what we are today, memories; GOOD AND BAD. That’s is why critics like The Nostalgia Critic, James Rolfe, and Spoony is so popular on the web, they recognize what their audience is and they deliver week after week . Hopefully I will be able to do that for you, forget about what the hell is going in this mad,mad,mad world of ours, and watch my videos to get your mind off things and bask in the glory days.

Now more about the video reviews, it will be an ongoing dialogue of me reviewing movies old and new. I will bring a unique flavor to my reviews while still taking a few cues from other internet reviewers. I will also be very authentic to the videos, I will purposely make the video quality crummy like what a home movie will look like with very little editing.

I also have another site to share, it’s my backup site in case something happens to it. http://beyondthetape.blogspot.com/

I will be importing old articles from the above mentioned website. I also like some feedback on my articles, constructive criticism. I believe that feedback is the only true way to ever get better at anything, so feedback is key to the growth and possible success to this website.

Until then, bye.

  1. Please check us out šŸ™‚ – couldnt find your email… – VERSEU team

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